digital solutions

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Educational digital tools

Explore the tools we built for the European Women’s Lobby to educating on gender budgeting

European Women’s lobby


Interactive design website


Budgets are not gender-neutral; they mirror political priorities and are a powerful tool in transforming our societies. Gender Budgeting project wants to prevent and change this. Together and with the right tools, women organisations can effectively advocate for gender budgeting at local, national and EU level.


Gender Budgeting is not about creating separate budgets for women, it is about ensuring existing spending is organised under a gender equality perspective. It looks into all parts of the budget without any exception and sees how can they promote economic and social transformation in the lives of women/girls and men/boys.


Teaming up with the European Women’s Lobby Team and the developer Alejandra Soto I designed the identity, interface and user experience for this crucial online educational platform. Transforming text heavy documents into a colorful site that makes the user feels like an explorer.


The site has passed several accessibility tests, run by users with different kinds of disabilities, making sure that anybody can read and understand the content. And not only read! This platforms welcomes all users for downloading guides, discovering who is involved, sharing content, finding resources in the library, downloading templates and even taking a quiz to prove their knowledge on the topic.


Design Process

Ideation Workshop

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Content Inventory & User Flows

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Site Map

Gender Budgeting - User Journey 6.jpg

Identity design


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Logo GB.png


digital illustration


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Screenshot 2021-09-06 at 17.39.25.png

Web design


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